Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Importance of Grooming Part Two

Yesterday I touched on The Importance of Grooming your horse. Today I am going to explain the basic grooming tools and what they are used for.

Curry Comb 

Yes, I spelled that right. When I first heard that there is a horse grooming tool called a curry comb I thought, “that couldn’t be right.” I remember thinking to myself “I thought curry was a spice?” Well not only is curry a spice it's also a horse grooming tool. A curry comb is the first grooming tool you use; it’s usually rubber, with a flat surface for your hand to hold. The curry comb is round with teeth to dislodge and remove dirt and mud that sits on the horse's skin below the hair. The curry comb is used in a circular motion.

Picture source

Dandy Brush
Next is the dandy brush, although dandy also means a man or boy, this is very different. The dandy brush is used in a flicking motion to remove any dirt or mud from the horse that the curry comb brought to the surface. Different from the curry comb, the dandy brush is a narrow brush with long, rough bristles. The dandy brush is ideal for use on the horse’s body and legs but it is too rough for their face.
Picture source

Body Brush

The body brush is pretty self-explanatory, it is to be used on the horse’s whole body. The body brush is round with a flat handhold. Unlike the dandy brush, the body brush has short, soft bristles. The body brush is used in a long stroking motion, to help the horse’s hair feel soft.
Picture source
Come back tomorrow to read about three additional grooming tools.

Here is a really neat video I found on YouTube 
about how a horse brush is made.

These photos and video do not belong to me. I have saved them from Google images. I have put a link to the source, so when you click on picture source (below the picture) you will be taken to the link. The picture sources are also cited below;

 Rubber Curry Comb Picture: Dandy Brush: Body Brush:

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